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Who Is the New Fine Arts Chair at Northern New Mexico College?

Heather Igloliorte, PhD

Associate Professor , Art History
Tier 1 Concordia University Research Chair in Circumpolar Indigenous Arts, Art History
Co-Director, Indigenous Futures Cluster, Milieux Establish for Arts, Culture and Applied science, Hexagram-Concordia
Special Advisor to the Provost, Advancing Indigenous Knowledges

Biography    Research activities    Didactics activities    Publications    Exhibitions    Participation activities    Awards and Distinctions

Heather Igloliorte, PhD

@ Concordia University, photo by Lisa Graves



Dr. Heather Igloliorte (Inuk, Nunatsiavut) holds the Tier i Academy Research Chair in Circumpolar Indigenous Arts and is an associate professor in the Department of Art History. She also serves as the Special Advisor to the Provost on Advancing Indigenous Knowledges, and in this role contributes to the efforts of the academy Indigenous Directions Leadership Grouping. Hereducation and research interests center on Inuit and other Native North American visual and material culture, circumpolar art studies, functioning and media art, the global exhibition of Indigenous arts and culture, and issues of colonization, sovereignty, resistance and resurgence.

Heather is the Principal Investigator of the 2.5M, 7-year SSHRC Partnership Grant, Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq/ Pijariuqsarniq Project (2018-2025), ​which aims to empower circumpolar Indigenous peoples to become leaders in the arts through training and mentorship. West ith Professor Jason Edward Lewis, Heather besides Co-Directs the Indigenous FuturesCluster (IIF) inorth the Milieux Institute for Arts, Civilisation and Engineering. Through Milieux, Igloliorte works with collaborators and students to explore how Indigenous people are imagining the future of their families and communities. Heather has been a curator for fourteen years, ​and currently has three exhibitions touring nationally and internationally; she is also the lead guest curator of the inaugural exhibition of the new Inuit Art Centre, INUA, opening at the Winnipeg Fine art Gallery in 2020. Heather publishes frequently; she has co-edited special bug of journals PUBLIC 54: Indigenous Art: New Media and the Digital (2016) and RACAR: Continuities Between Eras: Indigenous arts (2017), and her essay "Curating Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Inuit Noesis in the Qallunaat Fine art Museum," ​was awarded the 2017 Distinguished Article of the Yr from Art Journal.

Igloliorte currently serves equally the Co-Chair of the Indigenous Circle for the Winnipeg Art Gallery, working on the evolution of the new national Inuit Art Centre; is the President of the Board of Directors of the Inuit Art Foundation; and serves on the Board of Directors for Due north America'southward largest Indigenous fine art historical association, the Native N American Art Studies Association, the Faculty Quango of the Otsego Constitute for Native American Fine art History at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, New York, and the Nunavut Picture Development Corporation, among others. Heather has previsously  served equally an Executive Member of the Board of Directors for the Aboriginal Curatorial Commonage (2005 - 2011) and equally the President of creative person-run-heart Gallery 101 (Ottawa, 2009 - 2011) in addition to other advisories, juries and councils.

Research & Teaching Interests
  • Inuit fine art in Canada and circumpolar art studies
  • Historic and Gimmicky Art History of Inuit, Get-go Nations, and Métis art in Canada
  • Native Northward American and Global Indigenous Arts
  • Ethnic Exhibition and Collecting Histories
  • Curatorial Theory and Do
  • Decolonizing Methodologies
  • Colonization, Survivance, Sovereignty, Resistance and Resurgence
  • Ethnic Motion-picture show, Performance and New Media Practices

SakKijâjuk: Fine art and Craft from Nunatsiavut. With contributions by Jenna Joyce Broomfield, Aimee Chaulk, Christine Lalonde and Barry Pottle. St. John'southward: The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery / Goose Lane Editions (three editions: English, French and Inuttitut).

Indigenous Fine art: New Media and the Digital Special Issue, PUBLIC 54, edited by Heather Igloliorte, Julie Nagam and Carla Taunton, Winter 2016

Continuities Betwixt Eras: Indigenous Arts Special Result, RACAR, edited by Heather Igloliorte and Carla Taunton, Fall 2017

Research activities

Current Research


  • Chief Investigator, SSHRC Ethnic Research Chapters and Reconciliation-Connection Grant, Bookish, and Professional Capacities in the Arts: Pathways for Best Practices


  • Co-Investigator, CIHR Project Grant,Qaniikkat Siqinirmiut? A community-based study of Southern Quebec Inuit wellness and well existence


  • Principal Investigator, SSHRC Partnership Grant, Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq/Pijariuqsarniq Project


  • Co-Investigator (PI Erica Lehrer, Concordia Academy), FRQSC, nouvelles methodologies pour le dialogue public culturel et 50'activity sociale
  • Principle Investigator, CISSC, Tools and Technologies for Disquisitional Museology Workshop
  • Principle Investigator, International Grenfell Association and Tasiujatsoak Trust, SakKijâjuk: Art and Arts and crafts from Nunatsiavut (exhibition national bout funding)


  • Co-Investigator (PI: Julie Nagam, U of West), SSHRC Insight Grant, Transactive Retentiveness Keepers: Indigenous Public Appointment in Digital New Media Labs and Exhibition
  • Principle Investigator, SSHRC Connections Grant, Theories and Methodologies for Indigenous Art History in Due north America Symposium
  • Co-Investigator (with The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery), Canadian Heritage Museums Aid Programme (MAP) Grant, SakKijâjuk: Art and Craft from Nunatsiavut
  • Co-Investigator (with Dr. Erica Lehrer), Curriculum Innovation Fund, Public Civilisation in the City: Digital Humanities for Democratic Dialogue


  • Main Investigator, Tasiujatsoak Trust, To Calorie-free the Fire  Newfoundland and Labrador Indigenous Arts Symposium
  • Co-Investigator (PI: Tom Gordon, MUN), SSHRC Partnership Grant, Tradition and Transition Among the Labrador Inuit
  • Co-Investigator (PI: Angela Failler, U of Westward), SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Hard Knowledge In Public: Thinking Through the Museum
  • Principal Investigator, Exceptional Grant Canada Quango for the Arts, Indigenous Theories and Methodologies for Fine art History Workshop (co-edited volume with Dr. Carla Taunton)

2014 - 2019

  • Concordia University Research Chair in Indigenous Art History and Customs Date

2014 - 2016

  • Principal Investigator, SSHRC Insight Evolution Grant,Arts of the Labrador Inuit Visual e-database (ALIVE)


  • Co-Investigator (PI: Anna Hudson, York Academy, Toronto, Ontario), SSHRC Partnership Grant, Mobilizing Inuit Cultural Heritage: a multi-media / multi-platform re-engagement of vocalization in visual fine art and performance


  • Collaborator (PI: Nicholas Thomas, Director of the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge) The Leverhulme Trust, U.k., Multiple Modernities: Twentieth Century Artistic Modernisms in Global Perspective


  • Co-bidder (PI: Julie Nagam, OCAD University, Toronto, Ontario), SSHRC Insight Development Grant, The Kanata Indigenous Performance, New and Digital Media Art Project


  • Dean's Discretionary Fund for Presenting Educatee Work, THAW: Uncovering Inuit Visual Culture in the City , Vitrine Gallery, Department of Fine art History, Concordia Academy


  • Principle Investigator, Concordia University Help to Research-Related Events (AARE), Publication, Exhibitions and Dissemination Activities, " Transmissions: Sharing Indigenous noesis and histories in the digital era " (symposium)

  • Collaborator (PI: Sherry Farrell Racette), SSHRC Insight Development Grant, The Contemporary Aboriginal Art History (CAAAH) Project  (responsible for the creation of Indigenous art history bibliography)

  • Collaborator (With Erica Lehrer Vice-President Research & Graduate Studies Seed Funding Program), Concordia University Aid to Inquiry-Related Events, VPRGS Team Seed Grant Application, Curatorial Experiments: Multivocality, Participation, and Dialogue in Exhibition Blueprint

Teaching activities


ARTH 376 Topics in Amerindian and Inuit Fine art:Surveying Inuit Art Practices
ARTH 450 Avant-garde Seminar in History of Art and Architecture: Exhibiting Aboriginal Art in Theory and Practice
ARTH 379 Postcolonial Theory in Fine art History
ARTH 390 Art and the Museum:Museums and Outset Peoples


ARTH 642 Aspects of Media: Ethnic Art: Experimental Flick, New Media and the Digital
ARTH 615 Issues in Postcolonial Theory in Art and Art History:Postcolonial and Ethnic Theories and Methodologies for Art History in Due north America
ARTH 613K Special Topics in Amerindian and Inuit Art and Art History: Truth Earlier Reconciliation: The Art of Survivance
ARTH 613 Special Topics in Amerindian and Inuit Fine art and Art History: Inuit Art and the Intercultural Encounter

Thesis Supervision


Suzanne Kite, INDI (in progress)
Brieanna Lebel, HUMA (in progress)
Charissa von Harringa, Fine art History (in progress)
Amy Prouty, Art History (in progress)
Travis Wysote, HUMA (in progress)


Alexandra Nordstrom (in progress)
Brittany Watson (in progress)
Amanda Shore (in progress)
Christopher Gismondi (in progress)
Kathryn Math (in progress)
Lindsay Nixon, "Prairie Families: Cree-Métis-Saulteux Materialities as Ethnic Feminist Materialist Record of Kinship-Based Selfhood"(completed 2018)
Brittany Burdick, "Modern Congolese Iconography of Patrice Lumumba in A Congo Chronicle" (completed 2018)
Samantha Merritt "Ursula Johnson's Mi'kwite'tmn (Do You Remember)"(completed 2017)
Camille Usher "More than Simply Mankind: Arts as Resistance" (
completed 2017 )
Clara Haskell "Changing Power Relations in Photography: The Potential of Photographic Returns Projects with Inuit Youth" (
completed 2017 )
Sarah Nesbitt "En/countering the Colonial: Aiako'nikonhraién:ta'neand You Are On A Mohawk Land:Two Case Studies on Art, Refusal and Recognition in Montréal," (completed 2016)
Erika Ashley Couto "The EskimoRental Housing Plan (1965-69): A Example Written report in Cold War Authoritarian High Modernism"(completed 2015)
James Jelinski "
Kakiniit and Other 'Foreign Bluish Speckles': Self-Representation and Qallunaat Images of InuitTattooing, 1567-1924" (completed 2015)


Edited Journals
  • Co-Editor, with Julie Nagam and Carla Taunton, Indigenous Art: New Media and the Digital Special Consequence, PUBLIC 54, Winter 2016 (peer-reviewed)

  • Co-Editor, with Carla Taunton, Continuities Between Eras: Indigenous arts Special Event, RACAR, Fall 2017 (peer-reviewed)

  • Editor, Nunatsiavut Special Issue, Inuit Fine art Quarterly, 28.3-4 (Fall-Wintertime 2015)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  • "Curating Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Inuit Knowledge in the Qallunaat Art Museum," ArtJournal , Kate Morris and Bill Anthes (eds.). College Fine art Association, Vol. 76, No 2, Summer 2017: 100- 113.
  • Lianne Mctavish, Susan Ashley, Heather Igloliorte, Kirsty Robertson, and Andrea Terry, "Critical Museum Theory/ Museum Studies in Canada: A Conversation," Acadiensis: Journal of the History of theAtlantic Region / Revue d'histoire de la region atlantique , Vol 46, No 2, Summer/Autumn 2017: 223- 241.
  • "Annie Pootoogook: Depicting Inuit Modernity in Contemporary Inuit Art," Artlink , Margo Neale (ed.). Event 37.2, June 2017: 56- 61.
  • Heather Igloliorte, Julie Nagam, and Carla Taunton, "Introduction: The Hereafter Possibilities of the Ethnic Digital and New Media Art ," Indigenous Art: New Media and the Digital  Special Event, PUBLIC 54, Wintertime 2016: v-13.
  • "Tillutarniit (Interview with Isabella Weetaluktuk and Stephen Agluvak Puskas)," Indigenous Art: New Media and the Digital Special Issue, PUBLIC 54, Winter 2016: 104-109.
  • Caquard, Sébastien, Stephanie Pyne, Heather Igloliorte, Krystina Mierins, Amos Hayes, and D.R. Fraser Taylor. "A'Living' Atlas for Geospatial Storytelling: The Cybercartographic Atlas of Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge of the Great Lakes Region," Cartographica ,Vol. 44, No. 2 (2009): 83-100.

Capacity in Books
  • "'Hooked Forever on Primitive Peoples': James Houston and the Transformation of 'Eskimo Handicrafts' to Inuit Art,"Mapping Modernisms: Art, Indigeneity, Colonialism, Elisabeth Harney and Ruth Phillips (eds.). Durham: Duke University Press 2019: 62-90.
  • "Arctic Culture / Global Indigeneity." In Negotiations in a Vacant Lot: Studying the Visual in Canada. Eds. Lynda Jessup, Erin Morton and Kirsty Robertson. Kingston: McGill - Queen'south University Press, 2014. 150-170.
  • "'Nosotros Were so Far Away': Exhibiting Inuit Oral Histories of Residential Schools." In Curating Difficult Knowledge. Eds. Cynthia Milton and Erica Lehrer. Basintoke, U: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 23-40.
  • "The Inuit of Our Imagination." In Inuit Modern. Ed. Gerald McMaster. Toronto: Douglas and McIntrye Printing, 2010. 41-49.
  • "Inuit Artistic Expression as Cultural Resilience." In Response, Responsibleness, and Renewal: Canada'due south Truth and Reconciliation Journeying. Eds. Gregory Younging, Jonathan Dewar and Mike DeGagne. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2009. 123-136.
Exhibition Catalogues

SakKijâjuk:Art and Arts and crafts from Nunatsiavut . With contributionsby Jenna Joyce Broomfield, Aimee Chaulk, Christine Lalonde and Barry Pottle.Heather Igloliorte Ed. St. John's: The Rooms Provincial Fine art Gallery, (2017) (threeeditions: English, French and Inuktitut).

Inuit Art. The Brousseau Collection. Quebec City: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2016 (twoeditions: French, English language).

Decolonize Me / Decolonisez-moi. With contributions past Steven Loft and Brenda Croft. Ottawa: OttawaArt Gallery, 2012.

'We Were So Far Away': The Inuit Feel of Residential Schools. Ed. Heather Igloliorte. Ottawa: The Legacy of Hope Foundation, 2010.

Exhibition Catalogue Essays

"Amplification and Empowerment: Cultural Sovereignty in Inuit Nunangat," INSURGENCE/ RESURGENCE, Jaimie Isaac and Julie Nagam (eds.). Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2018: 34-38.

"Inuit Ceramics and Other Outliers: Creation and Collaboration in the North and South." Earthlings, Naomi Potter and Shauna Thompson (eds.). Calgary: Esker Foundation, 2017: 93-99.

"Visiting / Echoes and Reverberations from the Land," Jordan Bennett: Mniku,Vernon, BC: Vernon Public Art Gallery, 2016:eleven-fifteen.

"Carving takes all kinds of knowledge": Fine art Making and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in the Modern Arctic," Listening to the Stone: Inuit Art from the Bieri Family Collection . Eds. Passalacqua, V. and H. Tsinhnahjinnie (eds.). University of California, Davis: C.Due north. Gorman Museum, 2015: 11-thirteen.

"Assu's Masks:Art/Artifact/Artifice/Agent." In Sonny Assu: Longing , Vancouver: West Vancouver Museum, 2013. vii - 11.

"Transformations: A New Era in Contemporary Inuit Art." In Changing Hands: Art Without Reservation 3. Eds. Ellen Taubman and David Revere McFadden. New York: Museum of Arts and Design, 2012. 85 - 88.

"Marcus Amerman"; "Susie Qimmiqsaq Bevins-Ericsen"; "Sonya Kelliher-Coombs"; "Mario Martinez"; "Susie Silook." In Manifestations: New Native Fine art Criticism. Ed. Nancy M. Mithlo. Santa Fe: Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Insitute of American Indian Arts, 2011. 78-79; 84-85; 118-119; 140-141; 160-161.

"The Chill and Subarctic Collections:Innovation and Ingenuity." In NativeAmerican Fine art at Dartmouth: Highlights from the Hood Museum of Art.Dartmouth: Hood Museum of Fine art & University Printing of New England, 2011. 81-87.

"Whalebone Sculpture in the Permanent Collection." In Sanattiaqsmiajut: These Things That Are Finely Made. Ed. Sandra Dyck. Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 2009. 89 - 92.

Books and Exhibition Reviews

Book Review. "Mediating Indigenaity: The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High definition Inuit Storytelling" Fuse, Vol. 31, No. 3 (July 2008): 31- 33.

Non-Refereed Publications

"SakKijâjuk: Art and Craft from Nunatsiavut," Newfoundland Quarterly,Vol. 109, No. i (summer 2015): 12 – 15.

"Alter on the Horizon: The Intertwined History of Politics and Art in Nunatsiavut," Inuit Art Quarterly 29.2 (Fall / Wintertime 2015): 22 – 29.

"Women of Labrador," Inuit Art Quarterly 29.two (Autumn / Winter 2015): 52 – 57.

"Greater Detail: The Sculptural Work of Billy Gauthier." FUSE Vol. 35, No. 2"N" (Leap 2012): 26 – 31.

In Memoriam

"Annie Pootoogook: 1969 – 2016," Canadian Fine art online, September 27, 2016. Accessed October 16.

"Marybelle Mitchell, 1940 – 2016," Inuit Fine art Quarterly 29.ii (summer 2016): 48.

Peer-Reviewed Volume Chapters and Journal Articles (Under Preparation)

"Towards an Inuit Curatorial Exercise," in Condign our Futures: Indigenous Curatorial Practices Globally, Franchesca Cubillo, Julie Nagam, Megan Tamati-Quennell (eds.). Winnipeg: ARP Books (forthcoming 2019).




Invitee Curator, national Inuit Art Centre inaugural exhibitions and programming, Winnipeg Fine art Gallery, Winnipeg, MB, opening bound 2020


Co-curator, with Charissa von Harringa and Amy Prouty, Amid All These Tundras, Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montreal, QC (and touring – 2021), opening September 8

Co-curator, with Sandra Dyck and Christine Lalonde, Alootook Ipellie: Walking Both Sides of an Invisible Border, Carleton Academy Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario (and touring – 2020), opening September 17


Curator, SakKijâjuk: Art and Craft from Nunatsiavut, The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, St. John'southward, NL (opened October seven, 2016); Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (2017); Winnipeg Fine art Gallery, Winnipeg MB (2018); Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina AB (2019), Fine art Gallery of Windsor (2019)

Curator, Ilippunga: the Brousseau Inuit Art Collection, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec City, Québec (permanent exhibition)

Co-Curator, with Dr. Mark Turner and Britt Gallpen, iNuit Blanche circumpolar night festival, St. John's NL, October eight, 2016

Curator, Disrupt Annal: Dayna Danger and Cecilia Kavara Verran, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal, Quebec, opened March 18


Curator, Nunatsiavut Community Art and Craft Exhibition, in collaboration with the Nunatsiavut Regime, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador (opened November 2015)


Co-Curator with Dr. Carla Taunton, "Transforming Tomorrow: Ethnic Performance and Media Art Program," Fine art in the Open: Contemporary Art Festival, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Curatorial Mentor, Exhibiting the Archive / Performing the Archive, curated past Dayna (Cielen) Danger, FoFA Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal Quebec

Curator, Interrelations: the Brousseau Inuit Art Collection, temporary exhibition of the Brousseau Inuit Art Collection, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec City, Québec

Curatorial contributor, ARTiculations in Print: Kenojuak Ashevak, Master Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Native Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Curator, Cultural Dispossession in the Due north, Story Niche Galleries, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg, Manitoba


Curatorial Committee Member, Wearing Our Identity: The Get-go Peoples Collections (permanent installation, opened May 1, 2013), McCord Museum, Montreal, Quebec


Curator, aboDIGITAL: The Art of Jordan Bennett, Alternator Gallery for Contemporary Fine art, Kelowna, British Columbia


Curator, Decolonize Me, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa Ontario (touring, 2011-2015)


Curator, "We Were And then Far Away": The Inuit Feel of Residential Schools, The Legacy of Hope Foundation, Ottawa, Ontario (touring, 2008 – ongoing)

Curatorial Consultant, Inuit Art Alive, online exhibition, Inuit Fine art Foundation, Ottawa, Ontario


Curator, Inuit Cultural Retentivity: From the Tyler Brooks Collection, Carleton Academy Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario

Curator, By the Volume? Early on Influences on Inuit Art, Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa Ontario


Curator, Drawn Together: Greatcoat Dorset Graphic Artists, Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario


Curatorial Assistant (practicum). Urban Natives, supervised by Morgan Baillargeon, Curator of Plains Ethnology, Canadian Museum of Civilisation, Gatineau, Quebec.


Co-curator. This Place, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Participation activities

Keynote Activities


Keynote Speaker, Andrew Due west. Mellon Distinguished Lecture in Native American Fine art History, School of Visual Arts and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Fine art at the University of Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma, September (date TBD).

Keynote Speaker, Inuit Fine art Society Annual Conference, October v. Location TBD.


Keynote Speaker, "Oral History in Community and past Community: Speaking with Inuit Artists about their Work," Middle for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia Academy, Montreal,QC, Nov vi.

Keynote Speaker, "Inuit Art in International Perspective," Canadian Federation of Friends of Museums Sprachman Lecture Series, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal ,QC, November 7.

Keynote Speaker, "Decolonizing Inuit Art History: Putting Community Knowledge First in our Historiographical Practices," Historiographical Innovations, Wilson Graduate Student Conference, Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Nov 9-10.

Keynote Speaker, "Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in the Art Museum: Centering Inuit Knowledge and Customs in Exhibition Practices," McCready Lecture on Canadian Fine art, Fine art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON, January 17.


Keynote Panelist, "Keynote Panel: Sharing Knowledge and Engaging Publics: Reflections of Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Institutions," Imagining Canada'due south Future Forum, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Quango, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, ON, September 25-26.


Keynote Speaker, "Inuit Futures in the Arts Industry," All Arts Summit, Authorities of Nunavut, Iqaluit, NU, October 17-19.


Keynote 1, "Radical Collaboration: SakKijâjuk and Indigenous Curatorial Exercise," Pratiques de la trangression/Practices of Transgression Colloque international organise, par la Section de Littérature comparée, Département de littératures et langues du monde, Université de Montréal International Briefing organized by the Comparative Literature Department of the Department of Earth Literatures and Languages, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, December 11-12.

Keynote and Moderator, Southern Scene / Inuit Disenchantment, Ethnic Visual Culture Program, OCAD Academy, Toronto, ON, September 15.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations


Chair, "Decolonizing Research Practices in the Arts: Indigenous Methodologies for Engaging Circumpolar Arts Institutions," Arctic Arts Summit: The Arctic as a Laboratory for sustainable art and cultural policy, Rovaniemi, Finland, June 5.

Panelist, "The Role of Biennials and Triennials in the Process of Decolonizing Museums and Arts Institutions," Honolulu Biennial Hub and the Honolulu Museum of Fine art, Honolulu, HA, March 8.


Co-Presenter, "International Curator Talk," with Julie Nagam, TARNANTHI Contemporary Art Festival, Art Gallery of Southern Commonwealth of australia, Adelaide, AUS, November 21.

Panel Chair and Participant, "Inuit Curatorial Practices and Approaches," Pjilita'q Mi'kmaki: L'nuite'tmukl tan wejkuwaql naqwe'kl International Gathering, Ancient Curatorial Commonage, Halifax, NS, Oct 12.

Panelist, "Curating with Community," aabaakwad (information technology clears after a tempest), Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, September xv.

Co-Presenter, "Indigenous collaborations through the gallery equally a site for self-conclusion and social change," with Julie Nagam, Jaimie Isaac, and Jarita Greyeyes, Indigenous Peoples, Canada, and the The states: Sovereignty, Sustainability, and Reconciliation Tertiary Annual Canada Colloquium, Fulbright Foundation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, March 8.


Panelist, "Arctic Futurisms," Radically Shifting Our Indigenous Futures Through Art, Scholarship and Technology, 3rd Annual Symposium on the Future Imaginary, Initiative for Indigenous Futures, Winnipeg Fine art Gallery, Winnipeg MB, December 1.

Panelist, Roundtable discussion, Indigenous Art: New Media and the Digital, Native American Art Studies Association, Tulsa, OK, October 27.


Panelist, "Curatorial Forum on Inuit Fine art," Inuit PiusituKangit 20th Annual Inuit StudiesConference, St. John'due south, NL (October 2016)

Panelist, "The Initiative for Indigenous Futures," Native American and Ethnic StudiesAssociation (NAISA), Honolulu, Hawaii (May 2016)


Co-Chair(with Dr. Carla Taunton), Continuities Between Eras: Ethnic Art Historiesdouble sessions, Universities Art Association of Canada, NSCAD University,Halifax, Nova Scotia (Nov 2015)

Co-Chair(with Dr. Carla Taunton), Co-Chair (with Dr. Carla Taunton), Indigenous Art inPublic Spaces double session, 20th Native American Fine art Studies Association(NAASA) Conference, Buffalo Thunder, Santa Atomic number 26, New Mexico (October 2015)

Presenter(with Drs. Julie Nagam and Carla Taunton), "The Kanata Indigenous Performance,New and Digital Media Art Project and the Transactive Retentivity Keepers Database,"Joint CSDH/SCHN Digital Humanities Conference 2015, Congress of the Humanitiesand Social Sciences 2015, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario (June 2015)]


Speaker, IndigenousModernisms: Histories of the Contemporary, Multiple Modernisms:Twentieth-Century Artistic Modernisms in Global Perspective, Museum of NewZealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, forthcoming, December xi –12.

"Nunatsiavut visualarts and culture: affirmation of the Inuit cultural sovereignty overcenturies," Inside Illusuak: Expressive Culture of the Labradorimiut / À l'intérieurd'Illusuak: expression de la civilization des Labradorimiut, 19th Annual InuitStudies Conference: Qaumaniq – enlightening noesis, Laval University, QuebecCity, Quebec, October xxx

Presenter andPanelist, "Fostering Resilience / Gathering Strength: Continuities in LabradorInuit Women's Arts," and Chair, "Resistance and Resilience Part 2: GlobalIndigenous Women's Fine art Histories," Histories on the Edge/Histoires sur labreche, 16th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, University of Toronto.Toronto, Canada, May 25, 2014.


"SakKijâjuk/ To be Visible: Community Knowledge and Nunatsiavummiut Visual Civilisation,"Questioning Authority: Bringing Customs Knowledge to the Museum, NativeAmerican Art Studies Association (NAASA) Conference, Denver, Colorado, October18

"DecolonizeMe: Experiments in Indigenous Curatorial Practise," Experiments inDecolonizing Institutional Space, Decolonizing Future Intellectual Legacies andActivist Practices: Disquisitional Ethnic Studies Conference, The Found ForResearch on Race and Public Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago,September xix

"CigarStore Indians, Collectible Figurines, Sports Mascots and Sexy Avatars:Representations of Native N Americans in Canada and the United states," LittleBlack Sambos, Cigar Shop Indians... and Lucky Jews with Coins? Minorities,Kitsch, and Stereotypes on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Jewish CulturalFestival, Cracow, Poland, July 2


Presenterand Console Co-Chair (with Dr. Anna Hudson, York Academy),"Self-Determination and Sovereignty: A Recent History of Arctic Art,"Towards a new definition of Arctic Sovereignty: indigenous players in a globalcultural economy, 18th Inuit Studies Conference 2012: Learning from the Top ofthe World, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, October 25

"TheEmergence of Labradorimiut Art," Inuit Art: Contemporary Issues, 18thInuit Studies Conference 2012: Learning from the Superlative of the Globe, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington DC, October 25

"FromDefense to Interview: How to Plan for Your Outset Job," UAAC ProfessionalDevelopment Round-table, Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC) AnnualConference, Concordia Academy, Montreal QC, November 3


"ResilientPractices: Asserting Arctic Sovereignty Through Inuit Art," Higher ArtAssociation 99th Annual Conference, New York, New York


"Sharingthe Difficult Histories of Inuit Residential Schools," Telling Stories/Storytelling, Canadian Historical Clan, Congress of the Humanities andSocial Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec

"ContestingCategorizations: Highs and Lows in Gimmicky Inuit Fine art," NAISA 2010Conference, Native American and Indigenous Studies Clan, University ofArizona, Tucson, Arizona


"WeWere So Far Abroad": The Inuit Feel of Residential Schools,"Curating Difficult Knowledge International Briefing, Centre for EthnographicResearch and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence, Concordia University,Montreal, Quebec, April 18


"FromCraft and Curio to Stone Sculpture: James Houston, Modernist Primitivism, andInuit Art," Art and Survival in a Changing World, Native American ArtStudies Association, Fairbanks, Alaska, September 29

Visiting Scholar


Canadian Delegate, Canada Quango for the Arts, Chill Arts Superlative: The Arctic as a Laboratory for sustainable fine art and cultural policy , Rovaniemi, Finland, June 3-half dozen.

2016 – 2018

International Delegation of Ethnic Curators, Canada Quango for the Arts

Canadian Delegate, Indigenous Tri-nation Kickoff Nations Cultural Commutation, Canada Council for the Arts, Creative New Zealand, and Australian Arts Council.


Canadian Consul, Arctic Arts Peak, Canada Council for the Arts, Harstad Norway, June 19 - 26.

Indigenous Curatorial Delegate, 57th Venice Biennale, Canada Quango for the Arts, Venice, Italy, May 7- 16.


Visiting Scholar, Hood Museum of Art,Dartmouth Higher, Hanover, New Hampshire, funded by the Found of Library and Museum Services, United States.

Invited/Public Lectures


Guest Lecturer, "Kinngait Studios: Printmaking in the Arctic Circle," Highpoint Middle for Printmaking, Minneapolis, MN, November 16.


Panelist, "Sparking Miyeu Pimatishiwim: Métis Methodologies for Indigenous Littoral Curation and Critical Discourse," Academy of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB, November 29.

"Ceramics and Other Outliers in Inuit Fine art," Academy of Toronto Doris McCarthy Gallery, Toronto, ON, November 23.

"Instructors and Innovators: Unconventional Inuit Art in the belatedly 20th and early 21st Centuries," McGill Speaker Series, Department of Art History and Advice Studies, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Nov 16.

"Subconscious Art History: Bringing to Light the the Inuit Fine art Movement That Almost Wasn't," 7th Almanac Ethnic Awareness Week, McGill University, Montreal, QC, September 20.

Panelist, "Contemporary Indigenous Art," Chill Arts Tiptop, Hardstad, Norway, June 22.

"Rewriting Inuit Art History - Towards an Inclusive Hereafter," Emily Carr University of Art Design, Vancouver, BC, Feb 23.


"Decolonization, Art, and the Everyday Intimacy of Indigenous Identity Politics," Humanities & Public life conference: Thinking about identity, Dawson College, September 2016

"Inuit Resurgence: Arctic Art Futures," Initiative for Indigenous Futures 2d Annual Symposium on the Time to come Imaginary, Kelowna, BC (Baronial 2016)

Roundtable Discussion, Cultural Representation in the Media Arts, Ethics and Freedom of Expression, FoFA Gallery, Concordia Academy, March 2016

"Exhibiting Controversy / Promoting Debate," Association of Art Museum Curators, 2016 Annual Briefing & Coming together, Houston, Texas (May 2016) 2015"Inside the Museum and Other Colonial Spaces: Imagining Decolonization through Indigenous Fine art and Curatorial Practice," Art and the Exhibition Space,Professional Panel (with Dr. Jennifer Carter and Dr. Barbara Clausen), Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History 4th Annual Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, February six


"Writing Inuit Art History," in conversation with Dr. Anna Hudson, Afternoons at the Institute, The Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, March 28

"Exhibition as Activism: Decolonize Me Curatorial Discussion," Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario, January 31


"Aboriginal Residential Schools in Canada," Guest lecture in CANS 310: Canadian Cultures: Bug and Context undergraduate class led past Dr. Shelley Butler, Dept. of Anthropology, McGill University, April 12

"Urban Ethnic People and Art," Invitee lecture in ARTH 610: Contemporary Art and Urban Civilisation, graduate seminar led by Dr. Johanne Sloan, Dept. of Fine art History, Concordia University, March 11

"Inuit Culture and Curatorial Do," Guest lecture in ARTE 398: Issues in Indigenous Art and Art Education, undergraduate course led by Dr. Christine Stocek, Dept. of Art Didactics, Concordia University, March xi

"Decolonize Me: Indigenous Fine art, Identity and Activism," Public lecture, Foreman Art Gallery, Bishops University, February 25


"The Presentation of Indigenous Arts and Cultures / Recent Aboriginal Curatorial Practise in Canada," Guest lecture in HIST 327: Museums & Heritage in a Globalized World, undergraduate course led past Dr. Erica Lehrer, Section of History, Concordia University, November 21

"Inuit Fine art: Modern Meets Gimmicky," McCord Museum, Montreal, Quebec, Baronial 1


"Inuit Art, Modern and Continuous," Representing Canada: Issues and Priorities, Department of Art, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Oct ten


"Inuit Drawings: Autobiography and Narrative in the Graphic Arts," Innovations and Interventions: Aboriginal Art and Art History Lectures, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, February 12


"A 'Snapshot' of the Half-dozen Nations of the Grand River Reserve in the 1910s: The Living Cybercartographic Atlas of Indigenous Artifacts and Knowledge," Woodland Cultural Centre, 6 Nations of the One thousand River Reserve, Ontario, May 21

Workshops, Panels, Moderating


Organizer, Inuit Arts Mentorship: SSHRC PDG Workshop, Winnipeg Fine art Gallery and University of Winnipeg, Apr 28.


Co-Chair (with Dr. Carla Taunton), Continuities Between Eras: Indigenous Fine art Histories double sessions, Universities Art Association of Canada, NSCAD University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov 6.

 Co-Chair (with Dr. Carla Taunton), Co-Chair (with Dr. Carla Taunton), Indigenous Fine art in Public Spaces double session, twentyth Native American Art Studies Clan (NAASA) Conference, Buffalo Thunder, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 2.

Panel Chair & Moderator, "Transmigration; Ancient/Autochtone functioning
At the Edges of the Water and Land: Improvisation and Indigeneity," Trans- Montréal / Fluid Identities: Performance in Montréal, Québec, and Beyond, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, September 18.


Workshop Organizer, Ethnic Theories and Methodologies for Art History Workshop, OCAD Academy, Toronto, ON, Oct 22.

Workshop Co-organizer, "The Sovereignty of Indigenous Bodies and Aesthetics," with Dylan Miner, Julie Nagam, and Dot Tuer, Ix Hemispheric Establish Encuentro, June 21 – 28.


Workshop participant, Aboriginal Fine art History Workshop, Ancient Curatorial Collective / Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art History, Montreal, Quebec, November fourteen -16

Workshop participant, Settler Art History Workshop, Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, Concordia University, October iv - 5


Panel Moderator, Revisioning the Indians of Canada Pavilion: Ahzhekewada [Allow united states wait back], Ancient Curatorial Collective / Collectif des Conservateurs Autochtones (ACC/CCA) and the Aboriginal Visual Culture Program of OCAD University, Toronto, Ontario


Panelist, "Representing Canada: Bug and Priorities," Section of Art, Academy of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

Workshop participant, Nations in the History of Fine art: Comparative and Revisionist Analyses, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

Console Co-Chair, "Indigenous Art: Decolonizing Practices," University Art Clan of Canada, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario


Session Facilitator, Visual Arts Summit, Canadian Museums Association, Ottawa, Ontario

Console Moderator, The By in the Present: Historical Ancient Art in the Contemporary Museum, Carleton Academy Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario

Conferences - Planning and Analogous


Co-Organizer, Tukisiqattautiniq / Understanding each other / Se comprendre, 21st Annual Inuit Studies Briefing, Montreal, QC Oct 3-half dozen.


Organizer, Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq/Pijariuqsarniq Project SSHRC Talent Partnership Grant Workshop, OCADU, Toronto, ON: Baronial x- 11.


Organizer, with Dr. Carla Taunton, Teachings: Theories and Methodologies for Indigenous Fine art Histories in North America Symposium, Concordia University, Nov eleven- 12.

Co-Organizer, Inuit PiusituKangit, 20th Annual Inuit Studies Briefing, St. John's, NL, October 8- 11.

Organizer and Moderator, Department of Art History Truth and Reconciliation Brainstorming Luncheon Session: Students Talk / Professors Listen Serial, Concordia University Department of Art History, March and April.


Co-Organizer (with Arts NL) To Light the Burn down Newfoundland and Labrador Indigenous Arts Symposium , Nov 19-22. 2014

Co-Organizer, The Ancient Art Living Archive, Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Collectif des Conservateurs Autochtones (ACC/CCA) 6th Bi-Almanac Colloquium, Concordia Unviersity, Montréal, Québec, October 17-18


Organizer, Transmissions: Sharing Indigenous Knowledge and Histories in the Digital Era, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Feb 28 - March 2


Organizer, the ACC Curators Camp Kabeshinàn, Aboriginal Curatorial Commonage / Collectif des Conservateurs Autochtones (ACC/CCA), The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, October 22 - 24

Awards and Distinctions


Award of Outstanding Achievement in Didactics, Canadian Museums Association, for SakKijâjuk: Art and Arts and crafts from Nunatsiavut, produced by The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery of Newfoundland.

CAA Art Periodical Honour for 2017 Distinguished Commodity of the Yr, for "Curating Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Inuit Knowledge in the Qallunaat Art Museum," Fine art Journal, Kate Morris and Bill Anthes (eds.). College Fine art Clan Vol. 76, No ii, summertime 2017: 100-113.

Shortlisted, 2018 Best Atlantic Published Book Award, Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association, for the catalogue SakKijâjuk: Fine art and Craft from Nunatsiavut, St. John'southward: The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery / Goose Lane Editions, 2017 (3 editions: English, French and Inuttitut).


Critical Middle Honour for arts writing, Visual Arts Newfoundland and Labrador (VANL), for "Change on the Horizon: The Intertwined History of Politics and Art in Nunatsiavut," Inuit Art Quarterly 29.2 (Fall / Winter 2015): 22 – 29.


Critical Eye Award for arts writing, Visual Arts Newfoundland and Labrador (VANL), for "Greater Detail: The Sculptural Work of Baton Gauthier." FUSE Vol. 35, No. 2 "Due north" (Spring 2012): 26 – 31.

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